I see dead objects!

Fixing Wi-Fi connection issues in Ubuntu 13.04

I have used Ubuntu for almost a decade now. I have always thought it had a pretty good chance of being the alternative to MS Windows. After the recent Windows 8 release, which definitely makes a Linux alternative all the more imperative, I find it strangely ironic that Ubuntu seems to be emulating just that. Sigh.

Rant over and now for a prductivity tip. When Ubuntu loses Wi-Fi connectivity, restarting network-manager or networking will not help. Reboot seems to be the only remedy after that. Here are a couple of bugs reported on this issue.

There are many workarounds you can find on the net. However, on my laptop, what seems to work always is the following.

sudo modprobe -r wl
sudo modprobe wl

Of course, the real solution may be to start using Arch Linux or something much simpler than the Windows-wannabe Ubuntu :)