I see dead objects!


Yet Another Emacs Static Site Generator
A static site generator implemented entirely in emacs.
Published: 2018-01-31
Commandline Parsing in Java
Solution to a common problem in Java command line programs
Published: 2018-01-31
Creating Random Rectangles
Published: 2018-01-31
Tidying Java imports
A simple hack to remove unused imports from your Java files.
Published: 2018-01-16
Yet another template language and processor
A DSL for HTML documents implemented in elisp, org-mode.
Published: 2017-06-02
Writing a parser using Parsec
My Haskell experiements with creating a parser for a small language.
Published: 2016-11-27
Blogging with emacs and org-mode
A description of emacs-based blogging workflow and unused now.
Published: 2016-06-19
Configuring XMonad
A walk-through of XMonad Window Manager configuration steps
Published: 2015-05-20
Safeguarding Secrets with GnuPG
How to store secrets on your computer and the emacs interface to access it.
Published: 2014-03-08
Java Fork/Join Framework
An exemplar of elegant design
Published: 2014-02-26
Ubuntu Network Trouble
Productivity tip on fixing Wi-Fi conectivity issues on Ubuntu 13.04
Published: 2014-02-14
Java References
Overview of Java Weak, Soft references and where they come in handy
Published: 2014-01-24
Rate-limiting Functions